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Kids, Incorporated of Elk City, in partnership with the City of Elk City, exists to serve as a centralized resource center and service provider of amateur sports programs for children and families in Elk City and the surrounding Western Oklahoma region.
Our charge is to make sure that any child who has a desire to participate in a youth sports program is afforded the opportunity to do just that! With support from volunteer youth coaches and our game officials, Elk City will continue to be a regional leader in the youth sports industry. Call us at 580-374-4332 for additional information.
Our charge is to make sure that any child who has a desire to participate in a youth sports program is afforded the opportunity to do just that! With support from volunteer youth coaches and our game officials, Elk City will continue to be a regional leader in the youth sports industry. Call us at 580-374-4332 for additional information.
Our commercial insurance carrier requires us to have a concussion protocol in place should an injury ever occur where a concussion is suspected or even a remote possibility. Here is our policy:
In the event that an injury occurs during a Kids, Incorporated sponsored activity, and where a possible head injury is involved, the Kids, Incorporated office should be notified immediately. Generally, our paid officials will contact our office should an event of this nature occur.
Kids, Incorporated will require a "Permission To Return" document from a licensed, medically-trained professional, before allowing the player to participate in future scheduled activities.
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact our office at 580-374-4332.